
Taylor Swift-1989...It Was Great Gift for My Little Sister!

I got this album because you can't really listen to it legally without buying it, and since I'm trying to be more consistent with my review output, "a man's gotta do what a man's gotta do;" besides, 1989 made a great christmas gift for my sister. Now, I know the controversy of Taylor Swift taking her new album off of major media
streaming services Spotify, and YouTube, isn't new news to anyone; however, it makes some good commentary on how music and entertainment is produced today. A lot of people think that upon releasing her anti-online initiative T. Swift said "Give me my money" and robbed thousands of her listener's parents across the nation, roadside, and at gunpoint. But, actually she released a bunch of statements about how her music is art, and how art is "valuable and rare." Now, all you circle jerking pretentious pieces of rat out there probably say "uh, Taylor Swift makes pop music, that isn't art, that's just mainstream garbage," and yeah, 1989, and I'll come back to this later, has it's flaunts of mediocrity, but for a pop-album, rather a Taylor Swift album, she makes some good stylistic, and catchy choices.

1989, was the first Taylor Swift album that I listened to. I've listened to her singles in the past, but as far as I'm concerned there really wasn't much out of the loop that was there. 1989, however, was pretty enjoyable, and not too bad. I thought that a lot of songs were catchy. Where the album is flawed is a lot of songs that seemed pretty forced, and really anticlimactic. You'll hit strong points with songs like, Blank Space, but then the album will peter back into songs like Style, and Out of the Woods. The album repeatedly does this, good track, Shake it Off, mediocre track, I Wish You Would; good track, Bad Blood, mediocre track, How You Get the Girl. The album does this until it peters out.

At its strong points the music is catchy and really gets stuck in your head. Taylor Swift. knows how to write a pop song, that's entirely clear. But, her ventures into new stylistic choices such as old synthesizers in Welcome to New York, feel really explorative and natural for her. I'm really enjoying how she's expanding her repertoire and growing as an artist. I feel like a lot of artists, especially in the pop music genre get caught in a niche and keep the same style, but she's figuring out new things to incorporate into her music.

Another really great thing about the album is how nicely the songs fit together. That seems like something pretty simple Yeah, there were songs I didn't like, but even then I have to admit the songs really work together in an attempt to make an album experience, rather than a single pusher. Even thought I really didn't like the song, Style fits extremely well with Blank Space. They both have this echo chamber feel, and a really apparent styling that is fresh, and new, but natural for Taylor Swift. She definitely worked really hard on this new album.

Of all the things you can say about the album 1989, bad isn't one of them. The album is solid, mediocre at times, but doesn't have any major outstanding flaws. T. Swift is reflexive in this album, she makes it about her personal style, and I think that it's a good place for her. Now I don't know if it's artistic enough to take off the internet and force people to buy the album, or obtain it through other means. But, she definitely is passionate about the album and it shows. I'll say it made a good christmas gift.

Taylor Swift-1989: 6.5/10

Songs I liked: Blank Space, Shake it Off, Bad Blood
Songs I didn't like: Out of the Woods, Style

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