
22 a million: A review in poetry by Justin V.

22 a million

a poetic record review of Bon Iver's magnum opus

by Justin V.

a swiƒt br00k, ßubbling into time

mea∂ows on m0ckingjays, h∑ar them sing

†he canøpy and the ∑∑rie, aqueøus stårs abøve

the hush o£ the piπe, the wisp ◊f the øak

trumpeting barn swallows, gail¥, merrily

the harsh åir of the hîlls on a frígîd february mourn; her lips on yours

humble øaks gr◊an, sturdy in their strength

the hush of wh∑at. noble gråin of the plaiπ

a bµstle of neç†ar. we are the hive

what might have been lost, i£ not for the in∂igø ßunting

every season, every migration, ¡n its pla¢e

sömeday, øne day, sómédå¥

Merde de sang dans ma bouche

J'aime la façon dont il goûte

the ache of an ancient r∞t, n◊ble and s†ead¥

the wheåt and the chå£f: oh! mighty iπdustry

thën she appears

and ∑verything else is bµt a crimsoπ mystery

in ¢runch of sn0w, a spate of wœ

hµckleberry jam on t0ast, wiçker basket in a field

wh¡sper; a distant sçreéçh; hµsh wiπter wind

pøppies and her ∂ress; b|ue white çheckers and cløuds of ∑ffervescence

soƒt and loamy; smell the ev∑rlås†ing ®ain

y◊ur ∑xcürsiøn

melåncholy mµd in your toes. silver wind in your hair. çackling eleçtriçity

the cockerel calls in the dewey morn. ƒate answers in turn

she dances through yur mind like a dai5y 5waying in a zephyr

she is your ßaßß|ing brook

she is your stµrdy pine

she is y◊ur sümmer meadow

she is yöur everything

ƒriday night and you're drµnk as HeLL

 she whispers †enderly into your ear

you kπow exactl¥ what to put on the turntable

you delicately slip the √inyl from its dµst jacket and read the ʇrack list

10 songs. ĵckjams every one of them

put on 22 a million and she coos seπsµøusly

awww yeaaah baybeee∑eeee

betw∑en her legs lies çreation.  also something smells funny

she swa†s at your ∂ick ins¡stently. she wants to slam. prontø.

hold up gotta wait fo® my favorite song

she sits, arms folded, as ¥øu snuggle with you®self and møuth the words to 29 #Strafford APTS

she irritatedly undresses as 21 M♢♢N WATER's intro opens up like a moonlit sky

she øpeπs üp. a dense ƒø®est awaits

you lick he® slimy grµndle

a smell of shit and sweat p∑netrates your nostrils

You gag, but swalløw the little bit ◊f pµke that c0mes up

she tastes like that 6 month old slice o£ pepper jack ¥our friend put in your #Pasrami sandwich as a joke

8 (circle) hits its ÇlimaX and so does she

¥our tears mix with her ¢rotch sweat

a slopp¥ rimjoß to rem∑mber

and a maståpieçe of a reçord!


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