
Sad Moth vs. The Corporate Monolith: The Pitchfork Hatepost

As all of you loyal Sad Moth readers are aware, we here at Sad Moth have recently rolled out a new video-essay series known as "Sad Moth Musical Knowledge".  It is a work in progress, I know, but I think it's really taking off.  I mean just look at these pageviews for the last week!

I was being sarcastic just now.  No one reads this blog.  Even people who write for this blog don't read this blog.  So that makes what I'm about to tell you even more fucking stupid.

Pitchfork slapped us with a fucking copyright claim.

Now I know what you're gonna say. "But Sad Moth... you're videos are literally just you rambling over Pitchfork video essays with the sound taken out."

Listen.  This isn't about who's "legally justified" in this situation.  This isn't about "copyright law".  This is about me being mad.  This is about a corporate behemoth trying to crush a threatening upstart under their thumb.  This is about scrappy, independent Sad Moth Music going rogue when the chips are down.

First of all, you may notice Pitchfork is mentioned nowhere in the above screenshot.  That is because Pitchfork is owned by a faceless, odious media conglomerate known as "Condé Nast".  A quick look at their website shows that this company also owns Vogue, GQ, The New Yorker, Wired, Vanity Fair, and many other media institutions.  Let's hate-watch one of their youtube videos, shall we?

So essentially what we're getting here is a bunch of obnoxious, thick-framed glasses wearing yuppie fucks who think their art degrees from NYU give them license to spout vague axioms about creativity while some garbage EDM plays in the background.  I hope every one of these people die in a painful Adobe Lightroom editing accident.

To get back on topic, these are the people who think they can tell me what's satire?  These are the people that think they can tell me my video doesn't fall under the protection of fair use?  In an effort to make myself even more angry, I choose to believe that these two people specifically are the ones who ordered for Sad Moth Musical Knowledge Ep. 1 to be taken down:

God, just look at those smug, shit eating grins.  The one on the right looks like he just tried out an ironic mustache but gave it up because someone make a passive-agressive comment about it.  The one on the left obviously listens to too much Ingrid Michaelson for her own good.  Neither are self-aware in any meaningful way.  Fuck these people.  When Sad Moth usurps the corporate overlords of the music journalism industry, we will make sure to hire both these people, wait until they sign expensive leases on apartments in their favorite gentrified city, then fire them both out of pure spite. 

Ultimately, this grim episode in Sad Moth history only goes to further confirm one of our core beliefs: Pitchfork Media is so 2000-and-late.  I think it can be conclusively said that this video takedown was many things: a bitch move, a mondo buzzkill, super weak, and overall just totally lamesauce.  You're just not making those kind of allegations about circa-2004 Pitchfork.  But this is 2016. Pitchfork is owned by a massive media conglomerate.  You messed with the wrong hombres, Pitchfork.  You're pathetic.  Your time has passed.

You're pretty much Rolling Stone at this point.


Sad Moth Podcast Ep. 2: The Digimon: The Movie vs. Shrek Supa Dupa Showdown

Sad Moth Manny, Noah, and special guest Nathan are all up in it with a track for track evaluation of two of the most influential albums of all time -- the Digimon: The Movie and Shrek soundtracks.  But which one is better????  We weren't sure either, but we each ranked all of the tracks from first to last, and figured it out!  Who won?  I dunno, you gotta LISTEN to it nerds!

Here's the link to the poll we used throughout the episode. We highly encourage you to take it as well!